An entry permit that allows its holder to enter France for tourism purpose up to 90 days in any 180-day period.
As the proof of financial capability, a Certificate of Employment is mandatory if the applicant is an employee. But if you are an entrepreneur, you can provide your company Business License Number (NIB) and Deed of Incorporation. Other than that, you still can travel by providing Sponsor information.
We know that securing a biometric appointment in visa center is a priority, so to book for biometric appointment, you need to upload :
- Passport
- Original National ID (KTP)
- Original Family Certificate (KK)
- Travel Itinerary
- Historical Visas (if any)
Once your biometric appointment has been scheduled, you can continue prepare the rest of required documents afterwards.
Notes :
- Decision of granted stay period and single/multiple entry is the Embassy's prerogative.
- A Familial Sponsor should be someone with direct relationship (parent or sibling) belongs in the same family certificate.
- All original documents and 2 pcs of colored photo must be submitted during the interview appointment.
- After completion, you can collect your visa and passport at SPUN Operations Office. Alternatively, you can also book this delivery service for delivery within Jakarta, or book this delivery service for delivery to other cities outside Jakarta.
- Size 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, Max. size 2Mb
- Not older than 6 months
- File format using *.JPEG/ .JPG/ .PNG in color
- White background
- Proper composition
- No edit allowed
- No accessories is allowed
We also offer a photo printing service for your upcoming visa appointment. Click here to purchase and get your photos printed in time.
Your passport biodata page
Certificate that shows that you & your dependent are family from your country
National ID (KTP)
Provide your detail travel itinerary, download our travel itinerary template here.